All-weather Indoor Recirculating Aquaculture System
With years of professional indoor recirculating aquaculture practices and experience, interflow with expertise all over the world, we developed an all-weather indoor recirculating aquaculture system and implemented our first plant in Hainan Province. Through this plant, we have successfully overcome the seasonal and geographical boundaries, provides fresh and high quality fishes all year round to the market. It is an environmental-friendly operation with low water consumption, low discharge and zero containment. This high-tech integrated aquaculture system consists of several units to recycle water. The core units include a biofiltration and a mechanical filtration system, which purifies, sterilize and oxygenate water. Applying the principle of the natural water self-purification and microbial filtration treatment within the system, both solid wastage and soluble wastage in water are removed. It is not only effectively control the water quality, but also water-saving. The system maintains a stable water condition, which emulate the natural ecological cycle, provides an optimal natural aquatic environment for fishes grow out. While ensuring the entire breeding process is pathogen free, it prevents any man-made pollutants, such as chemicals and antibiotics. Customers are guaranteed to have to the highest quality of agriculture products and technologies.
Modular System Device, suitable for:
Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Circulation piping contains inlet/outlet water drainage system. Wastewater will be directed into the wastewater treatment center through the outlet drainage, keeping the environment clean and without contamination. Wastewater will be filtered and precipitated in the recirculation system, then pass through biofiltration and sterilization. This treatment is not only effective on removing uneaten feed and fish excretion, it also prevents harmful bacteria and virus. After all, clean water will flow back to the rearing tanks. The system is simple and can be easily switched independently for recycling or mediation.
Aquatic Animal Rearing
Shelf Suit System
This system is suitable for freshwater, seawater and other bio-rearing. With its multi-shelf design, it can be applied broadly in different areas. Rearing research can be carried out in multi-groups for comparison purpose; e.g. demonstration, teaching, breeding, genetic modification research…. etc. Also, it can be used in general laboratory for ecology, water quality observation, quarantine, research on vaccines, drugs and poisons. It can be easily set up in a most ideal shelf group number according to the space available, It is very practical; easy for control, maintenance and observation.
System Control:
It is a high quality electrical and mechanical control system operates continually in 24 hours 365 days. It can be operated automatically or manually and the lamps on its display panel can show the operation status anytime. Also, its alarm system can be linked up to any landline telephone or mobile phone, such that the condition of the system can be keep track anytime.
Room 1206, 12/F, Eastern Commercial Centre, 397 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
TEL:(852) 3102 6878 │ FAX:(852) 3020 9215
ecohealth aquaculture technologies ltd © 2015